Windows 11 Start Menu is built on user feedbacks; Users disagree

Windows 11 launched officially on October 5th, 2021. It has been more than 1½ years and yet people have mixed opinions regarding the same. People have found many of its features of poor quality and the Start Menu is often a center of attraction in such cases.

Windows say Start Menu was made based on user feedback

Windows 11 Start Menu is mainly one of the attractions when it comes to poor design choices. The Start Menu on Windows 11 is simple and just a bunch of icons, an upgraded design, and a few things here and there.

Compare it with Windows 10 and you will get an interactive and lively interface that resembles that of Nokia’s Lumia series and Windows-inspired smartphone devices. Some would argue that Windows 7 is better than that Windows 11 which is a low blow to the latest iteration of the Windows OS family.

Windows 11 Start Menu

The Windows 11 Start Menu has a search menu on top followed by a bunch of apps and an “All apps” button on top. There’s a Recommended section and a “More” option to find out more icons.

According to Microsoft, the Start Menu is perfectly designed to blend well with the coherence of the interface.

According to Microsoft, the Windows 11 Start Menu has been built around the users. A newsletter has taken up winds titled “How We Build Start” that states that Microsoft designs the various elements of Windows 11 based on user feedback and that includes the Start Menu as well.

Based on what feedback they receive ask questions like “Would you like to design an all-app list?” or “Should there be a search box and start?” among others.

However, users have explicitly mentioned that they agree with what Microsoft is trying to assert here. Windows 10 is still an epitome when it comes to customizability with the elements on the Start Menu whereas Windows 11 scope of customizability is limited.

Microsoft keeps pushing unnecessary updates where it isn’t necessary while deleting or changing elements that should be intact. This is what users have to say about the recent newsletter.

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