In pursuit of gaining more market share, Microsoft is pushing its Windows 10 users to make their Edge browser as default. While the Chromium-based Edge is already reigning at second rank, it falls behind Google’s Chrome, which occupies most of the desktop browser market. Microsoft is found to be displaying a banner is Windows Search to force users to make Edge as the default browser.
Microsoft’s Annoying Marketing for Edge
The fight between Microsoft’s Edge and Google’s Chrome for grabbing more desktop market share is turning interesting. So interesting that Microsoft is now displaying annoying ad banners in the Windows Search results. While this can be closed by clicking on the “×” mark, it reappears often until you oblige to it.
Microsoft’s HTML-based Edge browser, which served until 2018 has fair advantages and disadvantages. Lacking the support for browser extensions and additional websites is the core reason why it was pulled down. Yet, Microsoft came up with a new Edge browser that’s based on Chromium – the same web rendering engine used by Google’s Chrome.
While this made the new Edge browser almost equivalent to Chrome, it’s still falling behind Chrome’s rank since the latter was established years ago. And now, to turn that tables upside down, Microsoft is pushing its users to set Edge as the default browser. This was promoted by a banner displayed in search results, which asks users to “Apply“.
Clicking on it makes the Edge as the default browser, without any further confirmations. Which you can change this later in Settings, it’s still perceived by many as annoying. Earlier, we’ve seen reports claiming the Edge is importing all credentials saved by Chrome’s password manager, to make itself more native.
Via: Windows Latest