How to Fix .exe Files not Opening in Windows 10

A .exe is a common filename extension that denotes an executable file for Windows. Sometimes, opening a .exe file on Windows can become difficult for different reasons. Although not all users face this problem while opening the file, some users report nothing.

Few users receive error messages when they open the file; the message reads Runtime error, access denied, or more. One of the main reasons for this problem is corrupted registry settings, or there can be a virus in the system due to third-party installation.

So, if you are the one who is not able to open the .exe file on Windows PC, then here we are to help you out. We have brought few methods that will solve the issue, and you can easily open the file on your PC.

Also Read: How to Fix PDF Document Not Opening in Google Chrome

Methods to fix .exe files that won’t open in Windows 10

The process of fixing the problem is so easy, just follow the given methods described below.

Method 1: Change Registry Values

The registry values in your system might get changed and it stops the .exe file from opening. So, try to change the registry values of the file, by following the given steps:

NOTE: Before making changes make sure you take a registry backup.

  1. First, open your PC and click on the Search box and type in registry editor
  2. Open “Registry Editor”
  3. From the left-hand side click on “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT”
  4. Under this look for the .exe registry and click on it
  5. In the right side, click on Default and set the value data to “exefile” and click OK.
    registory editor
  6. Now, on the left hand side, click on  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellopencommand key
  7. On the right pane click on Default,  set its Value data to “%1” %*
  8. Click ok and save changes.

change value Registory editor

Now, restart your computer and check whether you are able to open the .exe file or not.

Method 2: Run the Program in Compatibility Mode

  1. First, go to the program and do right-click on it
  2. Click on Properties and then on the compatibility tab.
  3. Check the compatibility mode for running the program
    Run the program in compatibility mode
  4. Here select Windows 8 or Windows 7
  5. Click on Apply and then OK.

Method 3: Turn off Windows Firewall

Few of the users have claimed that they fixed the problem of the .exe file not opening by disabling Windows Firewall. So, even you can try out the following steps:

  1. Turn on your device and search for Windows Firewall in the search box or press Windows Key + S and type Windows firewall
  2. Open Windows Firewall and on the left side of the menu select Turn Windows Firewall on or off. Make changes in both public and private network settings.
  3. Click OK to save changes.

Turn off windows firewall

Method 4: Change Sound Settings and Turn Off User Account Control

Changing the sound setting and turning off the user account can solve the problem. Let’s check out how to do it:

    1. In the search box type Sound and select it from the results to open.
    2. Go to the Sounds tab and under the sound scheme choose No Sounds.

.exe files not opening

Click on Apply and then OK.

Now turn off the user account.

  1. In the search box beside the Windows icon, type in User accounts.
  2. Click on the Change user account control setting
  3. In this window, there is a blue slider between “Always notify” and “Never notify
    Turn off user account control
  4. Lower the slider to Never notify
  5. Then click on OK and save changes.

Now, restart your PC and check whether the problem is solved or not.

Unable to open .exe files on your Windows 10? Don’t worry as this problem can easily be solved by following the above-given methods.

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