After having a rough time with the Windows 10 updates throughout this year, Microsoft has decided to pause them for a month (December 2020). It has mentioned the reason for skipping monthly optional updates for the next month since employees will be on holiday. Thus, it will be pushing only the required Tuesday path update for the next month as usual.
Microsoft Skips Windows 10 December Updates
Microsoft indeed had a bad time throughout this year with its monthly updates. All the features preview and security updates have come with more issues than features and fixes. Many have reported BSOD, black screen, SSD defragmentation, interface issues, glitches in games, and other slow system performance.
Thus, to focus on all of them, Microsoft skips the features update (preview updates) for December 2020 and will release only the required patch update. Microsoft terms Cumulative Tuesday Update as B since it’s released in the second week of the month and the two optional updates as C and D since they will be rolled in the 3rd and 4th week of the month.
These are optional since they’re new features loaded and allows interested users to try out. But, the cumulative updates are non-optional and need the user to download. These come with security patches for any known vulnerabilities. Microsoft, in a support document of November update, has mentioned skipping optional updates next month.
This is to prioritize the security update (Tuesday update) of December 2020 and let employees go for the holiday. Due to this minimal work, the skipped preview updates will be resuming from January 2021, and the security updates are going as usual.